Sunday, November 7, 2010

JBW Chalet with Snowflakes - WIP

I started Chalet with Snowflakes yesterday 7/11 and was able to complete all of the snowflakes and one of the trees.

There are LOTS of confetti stitches in this one, so it will be interesting how I will secure them without carrying the floss too far.

This stocking is going pretty quickly so hopefully I will be done midway through this week.

Em :)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

JBW Reindeer stocking - stitching finished

Hi, I finished the stitching of my reindeer stocking that I'm making for my dad

I will need to sew it to some felt and do some finishing touches later.

This is what i was up to on the 30/10.

I finished all the stitching on the  4/11 and I think it looks really great

After spending a long time finding backstitch letters that I liked, I backstitched in my dad's name yesterday 6/1.

Will start on the stocking for my grandad tonight probably, which has a house with snow and pine trees, I think it's going to look great.

Em :)

Friday, November 5, 2010

"Congratulations" Is finished and framed! :D

I ordered three custom made frames for "congratulations" from frame shop (and for two other DMC kit hedgehogs which I have yet to start) They arrived on thursday, which was really quick because I only ordered them on tuesday night.

I decided to half-stitch in a very light blue background because I think it looks a lot more finished to have a background on 14 ct.

Today I spent some time searching for some nice backstitch letters for my signature. I decided that it would just be a capital E (I hope to use this across all my framed pieces)  However many of the E's didn't have enough detail or flair which was dissapointing but i ended up finding a nice set of lettering here which had an E that I liked.

After I stitched the signature  I ironed my cross stitch to some iron-on interfacing and then used masking tape to hold everything in place, and I think it came out really well in the end .

This is the back, which I neatened up by putting strips of masking tape of the messy peices I used to secure the interfacing.


I will be posting my progress on the ornaments in a post soon

Em :)